
April 18, 2024

What is nitrous oxide dentistry?

What is nitrous oxide dentistry

As comfortable as we try to make our patients, there are always those that just fear the dental chair. It could be the needles, the drills, or the noises. If you’re one of our patients that just dreads coming in, we may have a solution for you.

What is Nitrous Sedation?

Nitrous Oxide – better known as laughing gas – is an effective sedative that is widely utilized in dentistry to help relax patients during a procedure.

The gas is administered through a mask placed over the nose of the patient. After 30 seconds to 5 minutes of breathing the patient begins to feel a pleasant level of sedation. In some patients the cheeks and gums will begin to feel numb.

After the gas has been adjusted to the appropriate dose and the patient is relaxed and sedated, we proceed with treatment.

Through the entire process, you will be monitored by our specially trained team of professionals.

After treatment is completed the patient is given pure oxygen to breathe for about five minutes. During this time the effects of sedation are usually reversed. Unlike IV or general anesthesia, the patient can almost always leave the office by themselves.

Is Nitrous Sedation right for me?

Nitrous oxide is great for patients who:

  • Have avoided dental treatment due to nervousness or fear
  • Have difficulty getting numb through “Freezing”
  • Have extremely sensitive teeth
  • Are afraid of needles, drills, or other treatments

What Are the Side Effects of Nitrous Sedation?

Nitrous oxide has a few side effects. In some patients, high doses can cause nausea and approximately 10 percent of patients are not affected by it. Patients who have blocked nasal passages cannot use laughing gas effectively.

Nitrous oxide is not necessarily a good fit for every patient. Our dentists will provide a screening consultation before we go ahead with this option.

Surveys have shown that the number one reason people avoid the dentist is fear. While skipping your dentist trips may be good for your nerves it can have quite a negative effect on your oral health.

If anxiety has been keeping you from visiting us, please be sure to ask us about nitrous oxide the next time you are in our office!

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